The Tiendrebeogo Wedding
Well, I had a really nice weekend! It was a bit strange, starting with the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. They were so unorganized it was insane! It made it really interesting though. For example, John wasn't sure until the rehearsal if he was the best man or not. He thought he was because of a comment Ami Miller had made, but JP had never said a word to him about it! Isn't that funny? And Derek was supposed to sing a song with Roxanne and no one thought they needed to practice which made Derek a bit nervous. But it ended up being a nice wedding. With all the Bluffton people I caught up on all the gossip...most of it came from sitting with Randy Keeler at the reception! (He knows all the good gossip!)
Here's what I found out...
Saturday four Bluffton couples got married...JP & Rita...Erin and Perry...Rick Mack and Laurel Miller (Rick by the way is going to live on campus with Ray and Courtney half the week and live with Laurel in Dayton the other half of the week and commute to Bluffton!?!) and another couple from Bluffton got married Satuday but no one could remember who (Anyone know who?)
I also found out that Nicole Yoder and Dan Hershberger are getting married next fall and dated 3 months before getting engaged...Matt Keeler and Katie Nusbaum are getting married next summer...Stoner and Jessica had the most low key wedding Randy Keeler has ever been to...and Nate Herr got violently ill at his wedding to Lisa Reddick...I think that's all the gossip I've least all I can remember...
Here's what I found out...
Saturday four Bluffton couples got married...JP & Rita...Erin and Perry...Rick Mack and Laurel Miller (Rick by the way is going to live on campus with Ray and Courtney half the week and live with Laurel in Dayton the other half of the week and commute to Bluffton!?!) and another couple from Bluffton got married Satuday but no one could remember who (Anyone know who?)
I also found out that Nicole Yoder and Dan Hershberger are getting married next fall and dated 3 months before getting engaged...Matt Keeler and Katie Nusbaum are getting married next summer...Stoner and Jessica had the most low key wedding Randy Keeler has ever been to...and Nate Herr got violently ill at his wedding to Lisa Reddick...I think that's all the gossip I've least all I can remember...
At 8:30 PM,
Maria said…
wow, thanks for all the Bluffton gossip! engaged after three months of dating? that's crazy! And he's going to be in Germany for a year so they won't see much of each other before getting married. And I love the pics.
At 8:32 PM,
Maria said…
and that's crazy what Rick Mack is doing! Seriously. They should have just waited a year to get married instead of that. But that's Bluffton for ya ;) However Reba, Abby Mo, and I somehow escaped marriage.
At 5:21 AM,
Jo said…
What is it with you guys and weddings? Your all seriously young yet getting married seems to be the craze (no offense abs) is it really cheap to get married? does everyones parents pay? All my friends are around 24 and none are married all got long term relationships but we just can't afford it, Just graduating from college means its the first time your not in education means freedom! I say to you girls enjoy escaping marriage for atleast another 5 yrs!! Bit of a hypocrite seeing as i'm in a relationship its just after 3 months i hardly new dan, 5yrs later and i'm still learning things about him! abs and derek love you guys don't mean it offensively i'm just curious as to whats going on over there???
At 5:14 PM,
Abby said…
A lot of people get married right out of college over here. Not everyone though. At Bluffton it's a higher percentage though...for some reason people at Bluffton pair off and think that they have to get married right away. I don't know why it's strange. I don't think Derek and I are like most of them because we knew eachother long before college. Most people meet at Bluffton and get married after graduation or even before for some. And I do have to say it's not cheap to get married, but after being married a lot of things do become cheaper...although some things become more expensive. But my tuition was cut to less than half of what I had paid before I got married. Because then for financial aid they look at Derek and I's ability to pay instead of my parents...and Derek and I were and are poor!
At 12:35 AM,
Jo said…
Was going to say that you guys did know each other a long time before you got married! so your not as crazy as the rest!
At 3:04 AM,
abby said…
Poor Nate!
At 3:58 PM,
Laura said…
Weddings can be cheap, expensive, or in the middle. I guess it just depends on what you want and how you like to celebrate!
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