Boy or Girl?
Ok, everyone is asking, is it a boy or a girl???? And it's such a long story so I will tell you all at once and get it over with! Just a back story for those of you who do not remember. I had a Dr I really liked. I went for my 3rd appointment at about 16 weeks and he told me " I have bad news, I'm closing my practice and moving to Florida in 3 weeks"!?!?!! So, I went to Dr. #2 for my 20 week appointment, expecting to find out if it's a boy or a girl!!! That was yesterday.....So we get there, see the nurse, and she says we're gonna do an ultrasound, so I ask, are we gonna be able to find out if it's a boy or girl?!?! And she replies "No, we do not tell the sex of the baby." ?!?!?!?!?!? So of course I'm hormonal, and it's just not fair to shock a hormonal woman like that, so I start to cry. She asks if that's ok and I realized my only option was to go to Dr. #3 and I am quickly running out of options. Not to mention it may take another month to get into a new doctor and then who knows if they may or may not be able to tell anyways! So she left the room and let Derek and I talk about it. By the time she came back in, I still didn't know what I wanted to do. So she suggested we talk to the Dr and then decide. So we talked to him in his office for a long time and he explained. He said of course telling the gender is just a guess, and he did for many years. However, so many people complained and threw a fit if he was wrong. Then the final straw was a couple that came in. He told them what they were having and it was not what they wanted, so they terminated the pregnancy, sometime between 20-24 weeks. Since then he has refused to tell the sex. So after hearing his reasoning, we decided to stay with him. So I have no idea if we're having a boy or a girl, but he's a great doctor, he did an ultrasound and he or she is perfect....he showed us the genital area and told us we could draw our own conclusions. Either I am completely oblivious or it's a girl, because I didn't see a darn thing! However, I am not confident enough in my ultrasound interpretation skills to go out and buy pink. So that's the long story of why I haven't told anyone if it's a boy or a girl....I have NO idea. But the baby is perfect and that's all that matters!
At 7:49 AM, Anonymous said…
Amen, Abby & Derek! That's all we need are PERFECT BABIES -- GIFTS FROM HEAVEN!
At 8:22 AM, Laura said…
Aww...this has had to be frustrating. I've never heard of a doctor that wouldn't tell the gender, but I really respect your doctor for his reasoning. (Stupid people always ruin things for everyone else). I also wouldn't trust myself in judging the gender of the baby by looking at the ultrasound. It is always so fuzzy, and boys hide sometimes!
At 1:48 PM, Jo said…
hey, I am so glad to hear that he or she is healthy thats all that matters. That is the exact same reason that they don't tell us in my county aswell, also due to religion.
At 3:29 PM, Maria said…
That's interesting. I have also never heard of a doctor not telling. I am glad to hear your baby is healthy!!
At 4:50 PM, Abby said…
Yeah, I never even thought to ask when I picked a Dr because I assumed all Drs would tell the gender. It's ok though, I respect his motives.
At 6:31 AM, Unknown said…
I'm glad your baby is healthy! Your Dr. is awesome for sticking to his beliefs. I think you picked a good one. I'm no good at reading ultrasounds either.
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